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The Higher and Lower Mind in Meditation

A talk on the two levels of the mind that defines the two stages of meditational practice. Conducted by Vic Hao Chin, with questions and answer on the second half.

Awarness and non-attachment

A talk by Vic Hao Chin on how to make non-attachment be possible in daily life affairs through self-awareness, with questions and answers on the second part.

Meditaion and Intuition

This talk deals with intuition, the faculty that awakens more and more as one practices meditation. It is a practical faculty that is valuable in making reliable perceptions and decisions on major and minor matters in life. Conducted by Vic Hao Chin, with questions and answers on the second part.

The benefits of Meditaion

A talk on the practical value of meditation in daily life -- in inner equanimity, relationships, work effectiveness, and the pursuit of the transcendent life. Given by Vic Hao Chin, with questions and answers on the second part.

Guided Meditation

An actual guided meditation session for 20 minutes, using awareness of breathing and using counting as an anchor. Conducted by Vic Hao Chin Jr. of the Theosophical Society in the Philippines.

Mainstreaming Theosophy by Vic Hao Chin

The Theosophical Society has been around for 139 years. But its growth as an organisation has been relatively stagnant in the past more than half a century. Its membership has been declining since 1928 when it had a peak membership of 45,000, down to about 26,000 today. Since 1928, world population has increased three and a half times.

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