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Ravi Ravindra

Any spiritual seeker will have asked questions such as: Who am I?, What am I?, Is the death of my body the end of me?, and Is there anything that will endure beyond death? We will explore this subtle spiritual mystery in the light of the Rig Veda to the Bhagavad Gita of the Indian tradition and see how it differs from the Biblical tradition.

Presented on November 16, 2017

A 4 part webinar - Freedom from the Self: A Study of the Yoga Sutras - Ravi Ravindra

Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras are among the most important writings of the Yoga school, and have remained relevant for 2,300 years because of their wisdom and inspiration. In this webinar course, Ravi Ravindra will explore the heart and purpose of yoga as expressed in the Yoga Sutras, with special emphasis on section 2.2 which states that the true purpose of yoga is the cultivation of Samadhi…

Where Science and Spirit Meet - a 4 part webinar by Ravi Ravindra

If there is one lesson from all the scriptures and all the sages, it is this: As long as I remain the way I am, I cannot come to the Truth (or God or Brahman). Explore the various yogas taught by Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita, a classic of Yoga, for inner transformation. This course will be based on The Bhagavad Gita: A Guide to Navigating the Battle of Life by Ravi Ravindra (Shambhala…

Pigrim, What Calls You? by Ravi Rvindra

In a generous comment on my book The Yoga of the Christ, the justly highly regarded comparative religionist, Huston Smith, hailed it as a landmark in interfaith dialogue. However, I have become increasingly uneasy about this comment because I do not believe that I was engaging in interfaith dialogue in that book or in any of my other writings or talks. I have wished to engage in what may be…

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