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Articles related to Karma


When Does Man Become Responsible for his Actions? A look at references from the letters of the Mahatmas on Karma.


THE following, among others not yet used, were given to me by teachers, among them being H. P. Blavatsky. Some were written, others communicated in other ways. To me they were declared to be from manuscripts not now accessible to the general public.

Right understanding of KArma

It is hard to believe, but true nevertheless, that no-one in the Western world had heard of Karma, or knew the slightest thing about it, until only 130 years ago when Madame Blavatsky and the Theosophical Movement introduced the concept of Karma – along with other distinctly Eastern teachings such as reincarnation and the Oneness and Divinity of all life

Mabel Collins

Consider with me that the individual existence is a rope which stretches from the infinite to the infinite and has no end and no commencement, neither is it capable of being broken. This rope is formed of innumerable fine threads, which, lying closely together, form its thickness. These threads are colourless, are perfect in their qualities of straightness, strength and levelness. This rope,…

Hp Blavatsky

It is only the knowledge of the constant re-births of one and the same individuality throughout the life-cycle; the assurance that the same MONADS have to pass through the "Circle of Necessity," rewarded or punished by such rebirth for the suffering endured or crimes committed in the former life.

Karma From Key To Theosophy
Every action, good or bad, is a prolific parent, saith the Wisdom of the Ages.”
~ H.P. Blavatsky, The Key to Theosophy, p. 141 ~
Karma, Tanha, and Skandhas by H.P. Blavatsky
“KARMA, TANHA and SKANDHAS, are the almighty trinity in one,H.P. Blavatsky Art and the cause of our re-births. The illustration of painting our own present likeness at death, and that likeness becoming the future personality is very poetical and graphic, but we claim it as an occult teaching.
A Right View Of Karm

t is hard to believe, but true nevertheless, that no-one in the Western world had heard of Karma, or knew the slightest thing about it, until only 130 years ago when Madame Blavatsky and the Theosophical Movement introduced the concept of Karma – along with other distinctly Eastern teachings such as reincarnation and the Oneness and Divinity of all life – to the West.

Aphorisms On Karma
The following, among others not yet used, were given to me by teachers, among them being H.P. Blavatsky. Some were written, others communicated in other ways. To me they were declared to be from manuscripts not now accessible to the general public.
Karma by Mable Colins

Written down by Mabel Collins

CONSIDER with me that the individual existence is a rope which stretches from the infinite to the infinite and has no end and no commencement, neither is it capable of being broken. This rope is formed of innumerable fine threads, which, lying closely together, form its thickness. These threads are colorless, are perfect in their qualities of straightness,…

In Light of Karma

Published in Vidya, the journal of the United Lodge of Theosophists (2017)


“As a man soweth, so shall he also reap.”

Entangled Karma - Joy Mills

I am not a scientist, but science, particularly quantum physics, intrigues me. Recently I came upon a book entitled Entangled Minds by Dean Radin, a senior scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences in Petaluma, California, which advances the thesis that the concept of entanglement in quantum theory may explain psychic faculties and parapsychological phenomena.

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