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Videos Relating to the Mahatma Letters

Video: An Overview of the Mahatma Letters by Chong Sanne

More than 300 letters from seven Mahatmas were received privately by early members of the TS. It is not just the phenomenal ways in which the letters arrived but the omniscience and encyclopaedic knowledge of the Mahatmas that are remarkable. Profound teachings in these letters are intriguing and their gems of Wisdom are a source of inspiration.

Video: Wisdom from the Mahatmas by Ed Abdil

Who are the Masters of Wisdom about whom we hear so much? In his new book on the Masters Ed Abdill brings them to life, shattering many misconceptions by allowing them to speak from their letters revealing who they are and what differentiates them from the average person. In their own words, they present some of their most important teachings, including their views on death and reincarnation,…

Video of Mahatmas and their Letters

Many of the core teachings of Theosophy are found in the letters written by two Masters of Wisdom to one of the early and prominent members of the Theosophical Society, Alfred P. Sinnett, then an editor for an English newspaper in India.

Video: Theosophy UK The Mahatma Letters

Theosophy UK - The Mahatma letters - A brief description of the early days of The Theosophical Society, its founders and the connection with Mahatma`s.

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